The Gold Standard


Graphic linked to American Academy of Pediatrics graphic


Bright Futures at the AAP


Graphic linked to American School Health Association

Graphic linked to Big Brothers Big Sisters of America graphic

Graphic linked to March of Dimes graphic

Graphic linked to NASW

Graphic linked to National Association of Pediatric Nurse Practioners

Graphic linked to National PTA

Graphic linked to Society of Pediatric Nurses graphic

Graphic linked to American Speech-Language-Hearing Association

Graphic linked to National Alliance of the Mentally Ill
National Alliance of the Mentally

Graphic linked to Learning Disabilities Association of America
Learning Disabilities Association of America

Graphic linked to Association of Maternal and Child Health Programs

Graphic linked to National Association for Sport and Physical Education

Graphic linked to American College of Nurse-Midwives

Graphic linked to National Center For Education in Maternal and Child Health
Center For Education In Maternal And Child Health Georgetown University


Grounded in State-of-the-Art Knowledge and Expertise

Bright Futures for Families offers a valuable and in-depth inventory of knowledge
and resources based on the Bright Futures initiative and the award-winning
Bright Futures publications.

Bright Futures is a groundbreaking initiative representing over a decade of work
undertaken by the federal Health Resources and Services Administration’s Maternal
and Child Health Bureau and the National Center for Education in Maternal
and Child Health at Georgetown University.

Developed with the collaboration of four multidisciplinary panels of experts in infant, child, and adolescent health and reviewed by nearly 1,000 practitioners, educators, and child health advocates to reach consensus on a common framework, the Bright Futures guidelines are considered the “gold standard” in child health.

The guidelines are consistent with those of the American Academy of Pediatrics and the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry and have the support of more than 70 other key national organizations.

Bright Futures Supporting Organizations

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